DNSE Securities Joint Stock Company announces information regarding the organization of the 2024 Annual General Meeting of Shareholders as follows:



9:00 AM, Tuesday, April 16, 2024.






Head Office, 6th Floor, Pax Sky Building, 63-65 Ngo Thi Nham, Hai Ba Trung, Hanoi



All shareholders listed in the Shareholder List as of the cut-off date for meeting attendance on March 20, 2024.



All shareholders of the Company on the list as of March 20, 2024.

Meeting Agenda


As per the Notice of Invitation to the Meeting and the attached documents.

For details, please see the attached file.

  1. CV-CBTT-1 (506 kB)
  2. 1. Announcement AGM2024 Eng (798 kB)
  3. 1.-Thong-bao-moi-hop-DHDCD-thuong-nien-2024 (2 MB)
  4. 2.-Chuong-trinh-DHDCD-Agenda-AGM2024 (510 kB)
  5. 3.-Giay-uy-quyen_POA-AGM2024 (2 MB)
  6. 4.-Phieu-dong-gop-y-kien-Opinion-form (434 kB)
  7. 5.-Mau-Phieu-bieu-quyet-Truc-tiep-Voting-Ballot (3 MB)
  8. 6.-Du-thao-Nghi-quyet-DHCDCD-2024 (3 MB)
  9. 7.-Du-thao-Quy-che-to-chuc-DHCDCD-2024 (21 MB)
  10. 8.-Bao-cao-cua-HDQT-tai-AGM-2024_21.03.2024 (3 MB)
  11. 9.-Bao-cao-cua-BTGD-tai-AGM-2024_21.03.2024 (17 MB)
  12. 10.-Bao-cao-cua-BKS-tai-AGM-2024_21.03.2024 (2 MB)
  13. 11.-To-trinh-01-thong-qua-BCTC-va-BC-ATTC (3 MB)
  14. 12.-To-trinh-02-lua-chon-cong-ty-kiem-toan (2 MB)
  15. 13.-To-trinh-03-thu-lao-HDQT-BKS (2 MB)
  16. 14.-To-trinh-04-su-dung-Quy-VDL-va-Quy-du-phong-TC (3 MB)
  17. 15.-To-trinh-05-phan-phoi-loi-nhuan-va-tra-co-tuc-2023-2024 (4 MB)
  18. 16.-To-trinh-06-Ke-hoach-kinh-doanh-2024_21.03 (2 MB)
  19. 17.-To-trinh-07-niem-yet-HOSE-DSE-2024 (3 MB)
  20. 18.-To-trinh-08-giao-dich-co-lien-quan-va-HD-nguyen-tac (12 MB)
  21. DNSE_Huong-dan-tham-gia-DHDCD-Truc-tuyen (593 kB)